Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 7: I was awake early enough to see the sun rise!

Yeah, I know, I didn't post yesterday. That's because I was supposed to watch either a sunrise or sunset, but I was busy while the sun was setting and I had no desire to wake up at 6 in the morning to watch it rise. I tried to do it today though. More on that later.

For day seven, the book talked a lot about symbols. From what I understand, pretty much everything in Wicca is symbolic. Different colored candles, herbs, incense, elements, directions, etc. all represent different things.

Like I said before, today I was supposed to watch a sunrise or sunset. I actually was awake today while the sun was rising. Granted, I was driving along 475 to get to work, but I could still sort of watch it. I didn't "really engage myself in nature" like the book wanted, but I was pressed for time. As for the sunset. . .I forgot. I was thinking today's activity was meditation, so I thought it would be fine to do this now. Too bad it's already dark. Anyway, the book has a few questions for me about my sunrise experience.

What did you experience internally as you witnessed this event?
Despite the fact that I was paranoid about being late for work, I was fairly relaxed. Very rarely am I up for a sunrise, so it was neat to see. Along 75 there are these big rectangular ponds. The fog was gathering over the ponds making it look like they were steaming. The sunlight streaming through the fog was really pretty. It was a decent experience. Driving along the highway, listening to some favorite songs, no traffic, and a nice pink sky. Good thing I liked it, because I have to get up at the same time on Wednesday. Awesome way to kick off my birthday (. . .ish. Sunrise is nice, waking up at 630AM, not so much).

From this experience, what do you imagine the sunrise could symbolize?
Oh geez, I don't know. I'm terrible at symbolism, just ask any of my English instructors. Hmmm.


I think the sunrise could symbolize a clean slate, a fresh start. Even though I was dead tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep, I felt relaxed and almost energized. I felt like it was going to be a good day, despite all the evidence I had to the contrary.

Now think about a symbol from a spiritual path from your past. What could this symbol mean to you today?
Whenever I see the Jesus fish or a crucifix, I always flashback to sitting in church in second grade, being bored out of my skull and watching the clock. Those are symbols from my spiritual past, but they really don't mean anything to me. I never really believed in the whole Catholic thing.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I hear you on the last question. I totally remember those ponds on 75, though I only saw them during sunset. Still pretty tho.

    Where you working at?
