Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 10: Meditation Part III - Wall Gazing

I'm getting back on track with doing my Wicca exercises. Well, trying to at least. Today I had to try to meditate by wall gazing. I was to sit and face a wall, breathe normally, and count each breath up to ten. If I thought about anything other than counting, I had to start over.

This one was really hard for me to do. I just couldn't pay attention to the breathing. I couldn't sit with my eyes closed, couldn't even acknowledge my thoughts, just counting. I don't know if this is a meditation style I'll ever be very good at; my mind is always so busy.

On another note, I feel SO much better after doing that ritual for the fish. I'm not worried anymore, I know they're okay now. Doing that for them helped a lot :)

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