Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 11: Meditation Part IV - Walking

Today's lesson is about walking meditation. In walking meditation, you aim your practice toward a specific end, such as gaining spiritual insight on some matter in your life. It is normally done during a Wiccan ritual, but the ritual context isn't effective for this to work. There are two types of meditational walking: sunwalking and moonwalking. Sunwalking is faster and best suited for people who have a directed, logical, linear mental focus. Moonwalking is slow, and best for those with conemplative and creative mental energy.

Today's exercise is determining whether I am naturally a sun or moon walker. I'm given two lists of qualities, one for sun and one for moon. Whatever category holds the most traits that apply to me represents my natural type.

-reads list-

Hokai, the total is 6 to 2, sun being the victor. The solar qualities that fit me include expressive, impatient, analytical, and logical. The two lunar qualities are emotional and introverted. Well. . .that was an easy exercise.

This is what came up when I image googled "sunwalking."
I don't think this is quite what I was looking for.

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