Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 4: Questioning my path

Today's exercise is simple. I need to answer some questions, then spend some time thinking about my answers.

Why am I exploring the Wiccan path?
I've always had at least a passing interest in Wicca. I've never known where to start learning though. There's so much information to sift through! One of my best friends is Wiccan, so I can go to her for help and information (which is where I got this book). I'm not sure why I decided now to learn about it. I think I'm going through a period of change. I'm seeing a counselor about my anxiety, cutting my hair, doing better in school. Little by little, I'm fixing what I don't like and learning more about myself. As far as why Wicca in particular, I've always believed in the basic tenants of Wiccan philosophy. It fits, unlike any pair of jeans I can find.

What were my previous spiritual practices?
Neither of my parents are particularly religious. I went to a Catholic school for a few years, and I've been baptised, communioned, and reconciled. I was pulled out of St. Leo's before I was confirmed because of problems at that school. Since then, I've never been a fan of Catholicism. I have no good memories of it. Christianity. . I don't know about it. It seems so contradictory. It seems like many Christians today pick and choose what parts of the Bible to believe. That doesn't make sense, to me at least. I don't buy their god. It doesn't make sense either. He seems almost bipolar. He told that one guy to kill his son (brother?) and he drowned everyone on earth except for Noah and Co. Then he sends his son down to Earth to help everyone, but his son has to die, and he's okay with that. I don't buy the part about how we're all sinners unless we repent and become Christian either. I call b.s.

Did any of these past practices lead me to investigate Wicca? How?
I think I covered that already.

What are my hopes in engaging in this path?
I hope that I can find something bigger to be part of. I hope to learn more about myself and what I believe. I hope to have fun with this.

What are my fears in engaging in this path?
I'm afraid of it not working with me. I'm afraid of what my family would think/say/do.

How will I handle friends and family members who might not approve of my spiritual search?
Avoidance. I don't intend for my family to know, not now at least. As far as friends go, mine are all pretty accepting. I lucked out. My family could go either way, I have no idea.

Are there other major events that impact my life right now?
I'd have to say that college in general is a pretty major event. And like I said earlier, I feel like I'm going through some changes for the better.

If I'm going through major life events, is this the best time to explore a new spiritual path?
I think so. It seems like a change for the better.

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