Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 6: Shamanism

Kay. . .I don't think I'm going to have a whole lot to say on today's exercise. The book talks about shamanism, and lists some hallmarks of the shamanistic experience. These include a close relationship with nature, a traumatic experience (near-death, lucid dreams, or near-psychotic breaks), and the ability to receive messages from both seen and unseen sources. Next, the book talks about the madman, and the difference between a shaman and a madman. Basically, the shaman can return from the otherworld and function effectively in both mundane and spiritual contexts. After this information, the book has a couple questions for me.

Describe in writing your own "calling" to the Wiccan path. Take note of which of the shamanic hallmarks describe your experience.
I don't know, I just kind of felt drawn to it. I like that it's a nature-based religion. Should I put a check mark next to "close relationship with nature"? That's about it really. I don't think any of the other shaman things fit me.

We all have characteristics of both the shaman and the madman. In what ways are you a shaman? In what ways are you a madman?
I feel close to nature, I guess. That's part of the shaman thing. My anxiety might be a madman thing. It gets pretty close to consuming me at times. I don't really know how to answer this question.

In conclusion, I don't feel like I got a whole lot out of today's "exercise." Oh well. Not entirely sure what this one was trying to teach me. Any ideas?

I don't think this is the shaman they were thinking of, but this is who I picture.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it was just trying to get you to really think about why it is you chose Wicca, seeing as it's a religion that most people don't really get born into like Christianity. You really have to make the decision to change your ways into Wiccan ways and feel the Earth as it is, I guess. That's my thoughts on this exercise.

    Oh, and I bought this book offline, so if you follow my blog (hint hint) you can see me answers when I finally receive the book and compare?
