Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 19: Calling on the maiden

Today I had to do a meditation thing and call on a maiden goddess. I was to imagine myself on a grassy field at dawn and chant the name of a maiden goddess. She would appear and hand me flowers, and with each flower she'd name a trait that is important for me to develop in order to access her power.

In all honesty, I didn't think this would work. I thought I would be able to imagine the maiden easily, but not come up with any traits. I was wrong. The maiden appeared and handed me only two flowers representing truth and love. I'm not sure how I need to develop those more. I'm truthful as often as possibly, and may even have to refuse to sell something at work to avoid lying or deceiving people. Maybe I need to be true to myself more, and not focus all the time on pleasing others. I've been avoiding a confrontation lately, and I think because of it I'm not being true to myself. As far as love goes. . .I don't know. I love a lot, I love hard. Maybe I need to love more? Well, more as in more people. Hmm. I'll have to ponder on that.

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