Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 29: Calling on the crone

Today was one of the meditative imagining things. I was to picture myself standing in front of a rickety wooden cottage in a dark forest. An old woman would come out, holding a mirror. Looking in the mirror, I would see an image of myself acting throughout my day form a center of wisdom. Then she whispers a word that represents the trait I must accrue to become my wisest self.

I don't know if I did this properly, but I did come up with a trait. I had a hard time focusing thanks to a Lily Allen song stuck in my head. I pictured the old woman and the mirror, but I couldn't quite focus on a specific image in the mirror. I saw my face, but it was like a close up, I couldn't see what was going on. After some more focusing, the old woman whispered the word "knowledge." I spent some time thinking about it, and I think it means I need to be more receptive. Once I came to that conclusion I felt a change come over me, like a confirmation from the crone. Maybe I did do it right.

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