Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 23: The Mother

So before I talk about today's exercise, I have awesome news. While doing the invocation prayer for the maiden last night, I asked her if she could watch over my fish Norbert (he's got ick, it's really bad) and help him get better. He's been laying on the bottom of the tank, and I was afraid he wouldn't even make it though the night. I woke up this morning and Norbert had probably 20 fewer spots and he was swimming around like normal! I'm so happy! There is no way only one dose of the anti-ick medication did that much for him. Thank the goddess :)

Today I learned about the second aspect of the goddess, the mother. She represents birth, nurturing, and actualized potential. She is caring, forgiving, receptive, and open to change. Her dark side represents the potential to smother and encourage dependence in other people. Some mother goddesses in mythology include Demeter, Io, and Artemis.

The exercise was just to think about my mother goddess qualities, nothing much.

Correspondence Table
Solar Phase: Fall
Seasonal Phase: Late summer, early fall
Color: Green
agan Celebration: Lammas - August 2nd
Direction: Southwest
Time: Late afternoon
Incense: Meadowsweet and oak
Essential Oils: Lotus, cucumber
Magical Number: 4
Vocalization: "a" as in "say"
Herbs: Hollyhock, frankincense
Planet: Venus
Body Part: Heart, lungs, hands

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm so happy for Norbert! Thank the goddess!!!
