Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 21: Magical pass of the maiden

"A magical pass is a hand gesture that a witch uses to symbolize and therefore invoke specific spiritual energies." Today I had to practice the maiden's magical pass. Standing facing the northeast, i started with my arms at my side, thumbs touching my thighs. Bending my elbows so only my forearms moved, I opened my thumbs so they are at a 90-degree angle with my forefinger and then brought my hands together so that the tips of both thumbs and forefingers touched. The opening that my hands created represented the cosmic yoni, which is a term that refers to the vulva of the goddess. It is the personification of the female principal in nature.

Snicker snort giggle, etc. I really didn't expect this to do anything but make me feel silly. Once again, I was wrong! I could feel a sort of energy in the space in the middle of my hands, like it were passing through. I don't know how much of this is attributed to the power of suggestion, but it was still neat nonetheless.

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