Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 41: Meeting the God: The Provider

The second aspect of the god is the provider. He represents self-sufficiency, maturity, and action done because action is needed. He is focused, purposeful, and does what needs to be done. He notices limits and guidelines, and also understands the importance of challenging them in a way that benefits society. The provider is the manifestation of the sun's energy and a focused mind.

His dark side appears when we show blind ambition, impatience, and anger. It can also be insistence on rules and social norms. His dark side can also be the potential to be inflexible with rules, jobs, and life in general.

Some provider gods throughout the world include Ra, Zeus, Yahweh, Apollo, Ares, Thor, and Jupiter.

This table shows the magical correspondences to the provider. I have edited previous "Meeting the god/goddess" posts to include the respective tables.

Solar Phase: Full midday sun
Seasonal Phase: Summer
Color: Red
Pagan Celebration: Summer Solstice
Direction: South
Time: Noon
Incense: Frankincense
Essential Oils: Frankincense, chamomile, benzoin, patchouli
Magical Number: 5
Vocalization: "E" as in "heat"
Herbs: Chamomile, hemp
Planet: Mercury, Sun (yes, I know it is not a planet)
Body Part: Neck, throat

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