Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 36: Meeting the God - The Inseminator

Remember how the goddess has three aspects? The god does too. I'm going to be doing the same thing as I did before, only for the god now.

The first aspect is the inseminator. He is youthful, active, sexually motivated, and extroverted. He represents the spontaneity in all of us, and learns from experiencing things himself.
He also has a dark side. That represents our lack of impulse control, self-indulgence, and destructiveness.

Some inseminator gods include Cupid, Adonis, Eros, Pan, and Hermes.

Correspondence Table
Solar Phase: Waxing Year
Seasonal Phase: Spring
Color: Gold, yellow
agan Celebration: Beltane - May 1st
Direction: East
Time: Morning
Incense: Cinnamon, pine
Essential Oils: Carnation, cinnamon
Magical Number: 3
Vocalization: "ah" as in "caught"
Herbs: Woodruff, hops
Planet: Mars, Sun
Body Part: Muscles


  1. Hi. Just a random person passing through.... It is nice you were doing the book exercises. I also have the book and tried working with it for a couple of months. But then the Inseminator caused a little 'magic' to happen.... lol. So I put the magical working on hiatus until I had my baby. Now, 18 months later, I am re-doing the book and almost back to the Inseminator... Let's not get stuck on him! Keep up the good work! (If time will not allow you to work on the exercises, make sure you spend a moment in a meditation!) Take care. =)
