Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 35: A day of silence and review

So, I did this about a week ago and have been too busy to post until now. I PROMISE I'll post more regularly from now on. Anyway, I was to spend the day talking as little as possible so I can learn the power of silence. Unfortunately, I didn't do too well. Even when I was home alone I'd end up talking to the cat or the rats. Oh well. . .on to the questions.

Was it difficult to maintain silence?
Yes. I would remember that I had to stay silent after I had already said something.
When did I most want to verbally communicate?
When Jason was around.
Did silence help me to notice what was going on in my own body, mind, or spirit?
Not really. I had a hard time maintaining silence.
Did I have times when mental activity increased or decreased?
Yes. My mind nearly shut itself off in German Culture, and I had to think a lot at work.
Did I have times when physical activity increased or decreased in response to silence?
What silence?
How might periodic observances of silence be beneficial to me?
I think it would help me process my thoughts better.

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